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Eminence vs Evidence

Eminence vs Evidence

Posted by Mike "Doc" Rohan on Mar 8th 2017

I was recently listening to a Podcast called Freakanomics Radio (check it out! Gets da brain working) and the topic of medicine was brought up. Naturally this peaked my interest, the topic was called Bad Medicine, it went over the fallacy of the “average” temperature 98.6, drug trials, insurance and …
Save 66

Save 66

Mar 7th 2017

A robbery occurred in the neighboring city. The perp was shot by the store clerk in the chest by a .40 cal from 5'. They drove into Kennesaw and dropped the victim off at an urgent care clinic. I was the first officer on scene with my recruit. After assessing the scene safe, I observed the victim on …
Being Prepared

Being Prepared

Posted by Nick Zuber on Mar 1st 2017

“Very many factors go to the building of sound morale…but one of the greatest is that men be fully employed at useful and interesting work. Idleness is a dangerous breeding ground.” –Winston ChurchillWe spend a lot of time talking about mindset and preparedness, and probably less time talking about …