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Pieces and Parts

Posted by Pocket Doc on Mar 30th 2015

You're driving to the range, sipping your coffee one morning and all of a sudden the motorcycle in front of you wobbles and crashes on the highway. The driver careens down the road on his back, over the shoulder of the road and impacts a road sign support post with the right side of his body and car …

Sort It Out

Posted by Pocket Doc on Mar 30th 2015

It’s a beautiful day outside as you drive down a rural road with your windows down, completing some errands and enjoying the scenery. You’re a couple of car lengths behind a blue van and you can see the silhouettes of at least three pairs of little hands and 3 little heads and you say to yourself, “ …

The Heat is On

Posted by Pocket Doc on Mar 30th 2015

It’s 0900 and it’s already 92 degrees Farenheit with 88% relative humidity and you and your brother are in the back corner of your property decked out in heavy gloves, boots, chainsaw chaps and hardhats with face protectors to get trees cut and prepped for firewood for the upcoming winter.As you con …