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Need VS Want

Posted by Kerry "Pocket Doc" Davis on Sep 27th 2018

“I don’t need that right now.” Those are words that are spoken regularly by many people around the world every day. What does it refer to? Well, pretty much anything they feel is non-essential. However, it’s also about prioritization. We tend to prioritize one thing over another. Sometimes, errantly, actually prioritizing a want over an actual need.

Do we “need” that coffee every morning? I think you’d get a mixed bag of answers on that, ranging from a sarcastic, “Do you want to see me kill people in the morning???” to mild and introspective, slightly more realistic, “No, but it sure tastes good.” Sure, not everyone likes coffee but it’s a solid analogy of “need vs. want”. I love my morning coffee. I actually look forward to sitting there having a cup of hot coffee, talking with my wife about the upcoming day’s activities, work or sometimes just sitting in a comfortable silence enjoying her presence. However, the coffee is still a “want” and not actually a “need”.

Now, lets look at the need for medical training and medical kits versus the want. Are there seemingly cooler things to buy out there? Well, yeah. BUT….look at need vs. want. We typically spend our money on something that we want, and feel that we really need it, instead of rationalizing it out and spending it on something that we actually need. And when you need a med kit or training, you really, no crap, need it. It’s not a want or some sort of extraneous expense, it’s a very definite need.

We tend to be very reactive rather than proactive and that’s typically not a good thing because being reactive means the incident occurred before any training or preparation had taken place and you’re way behind the power curve. Reactive people are then looking to gain knowledge and skills after the incident. Proactive folks have a realistic “worst case scenario” built into their everyday lives and realize the importance of having a plan whether anything happens or not. However, if something does happen they are trained and equipped to help out. They are ready to be a “by-doer” and not a bystander wishing they had some training or equipment with which to help someone.

Being an active participant in a traumatic incident is so rewarding because you know that you are helping, in whatever way you can, even if it’s just holding someone’s hand, taking their pulse and talking with them in a comforting and reassuring voice. The worst is literally not knowing what to do. At the very least, a trained individual will be able to ascertain whether or not there is anything they can do and that, in and of itself, brings a HUGE peace of mind to them after the incident is over. Training is a minor investment of time and money compared to a lifetime of “what if’s?” and regret.

Time is up. It’s time to get off of the fence and decide to be proactive. It’s time to get trained. It’s time to get equipped. It’s time to have the right mindset and be ready for anything which presents itself. The time is now because someone’s life literally depends upon it. The phrase “It’ll never happen to me” is one of the most ignorant things anyone could ever say because “it” can happen to anyone at anytime and the consequences can be tragic if you’re not prepared.

With over 30,000 deaths annually from hemorrhage that could be treated with a basic adjunct like a tourniquet and the knowledge of how and when to apply it, the “need” for medical training and medical kits really doesn’t need a justification. It needs prioritization.

The time chooses you. Will you be ready?