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Save 66

Save 66

Mar 7th 2017

A robbery occurred in the neighboring city. The perp was shot by the store clerk in the chest by a .40 cal from 5'. They drove into Kennesaw and dropped the victim off at an urgent care clinic. I was the first officer on scene with my recruit. After assessing the scene safe, I observed the victim on his back being treated by medical staff. The victim had blood soaked clothing and the staff had gauze pressed onto his wounds. I began to ask the medical staff if he had an exit wound and they stated they didn't know. I asked if they had a chest seal and they said no. They said they didn't want to take his shirt off to look or roll him over. One of the staff members told me she was not trained for this kind of trauma.

I told my recruit to got to the patrol car and get my Dark kit (all my recruits are told about the kits and they know where they are in case of emergency. I keep one on my heavy vest, another on a small bag with extra ammo and as of tomorrow morning, all our officers will be issued the blue line kits). He returned with the kit and i of course already had gloves on but cut his shirt off and rolled him on his side to check for an exit wound. The exit wound was located on the left side of the chest. I placed a chest seal on the entry wound on the sternum and a chest seal on the exit wound (the second seal came out of he package bad. Not sure why. It was folded on top of itself and the adhesive backing was half off). The second seal didn't seal well and the medical staff held a dressing where the blood was coming out.

I began to talk to the victim/perp and he was semi-conscious. The medical staff monitored his blood pressure and kept him warm until fire arrived. The only thing fire did was reapply my bad chest seal and put him in the back of the bus for transport.

I want to thank you and your staff for the training and the easy to use kit. After taking three of your classes and sending numerous others in our department to your training, I am confident in my abilities to handle a trauma situation like that in the future. This was an eye opening experience to my and other officers on scene to see that if it's not fire or emts, don't count of receiving quality medical aid. Learn how to fix yourself and your brothers and sisters. Don't assume someone will be there to help. For on this call it took appx 10 min for fire to arrive.

As you can see, even though this LEO took our class 3 times and was carrying his med kit, he still had a malfunction. Once he noticed the malfunction, he was able to keep calm and he made it work. The time chooses you, but it's up to you to be prepared!