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The Situation Dictates The Medicine

Posted by Pocket Doc on May 29th 2015

Let’s say you witness someone cut themselves. How do you help them treat the injury? Well, that depends on a couple of things.1) How severe is the bleeding?2) What equipment do you have on hand?In the “Tac Med” world, we’ve been preaching TQ use for the last several years as the “go-to” item when so …

When "Chilling Out" Goes Bad

Posted by Pocket Doc on May 19th 2015

Trauma and hypothermia. In a traumatic injury situation we need to be on the lookout for hypothermia. Hypothermia can set in rather quickly and you need to know the symptoms and what to do in case you see it because a trauma victim can become hypothermic even on a warm day.In a traumatic injury, los …